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Tap to switch the image

Neil M


Neil came to us with his begging bowl in 2009 and we took pity on him. We won’t make that mistake again.

As a keen walker, he enjoys nothing more than to tow his trusty caravan and wife (not necessarily in that order) behind his car and drive off into the country for a week-end of exhilarating caravanning and walking (he also enjoys walking the streets of certain areas of Brighton at night, but we digress). This adventurous craving to experience the wonders of Mother Nature has seen him travel as far as Bognor Regis - in winter.

Neil’s other major interest in life is writing fiction. Having read most of his expense claims, our Finance department can confirm that Neil is extremely creative, completing the most fascinating and exciting works of fiction ever produced in the 21st century. In recognition of these talents, we have awarded Neil our prestigious BS award every single year since he joined us.

When we launched our custom foam division in 2011, we identified this as a golden opportunity for damage limitation, and kicked Neil upstairs to become MD of that division, to the huge relief of the customers with whom Neil had been interfacing.

mEET the rest of the Team