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Amanda boasts a varied and colourful past:
Graduated at Westminster University with an Honours degree in…wait for it…Human nutrition. Her final year project was – and we quote – “Anthropometric methods and fat deposition in Caucasian and Asian subjects”. For this, Amanda was nominated for the Nobel Prize for Pointless Studies, finishing a close second to a research entitled “The Mating Habits of the West African Lizard”.
Amanda’s mission in life apart from her job is to make us all at Peli leaner and fitter. Hope springs eternal in the human breast.
Amanda was recommended to us as a “high-flier” so we jumped at the opportunity to recruit such talent. It was only after she joined us did she disclose that by “high-flier” she meant she once worked as a flight attendant for a major airline. We have obtained a clip from one of Amanda’s safety briefings, which shows how seriously she takes her responsibilities.